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UN2045: Building a Trustworthy Economy

Today’s financial systems are not trusted by citizens because they are inherently unstable and winner-take-all, so for most people the system offers only failure.  Today, new digital technologies allow the fine-grain feedback needed to build systems that are dramatically more stable, which reward everyone’s contribution to society, and provide everyone with a realistic opportunity to build a good life.

Professor Alex Pentland, Faculty Founding Director of MIT Connection Science, Mentor of AI World Society Innovation Network (, and a co-author of the Social Contract 2020, has conceived the “Trustworthy Economy”, based on data science, digital technologies and AI. This is very meaningful for the UN 2045 Initiative.

The United Nations Academic Impact and the Boston Global Forum co-organize the UN 2045 Roundtable “Building a Trustworthy Economy” at 10:00 AM EDT, July 24. The keynote speaker is Professor Alex Pentland, MIT, and the moderator is Ramu Damodaran, Chief of Academic Impact of the United Nations, and Editor-in-Chief of UN Chronicle Magazine. hosts this event as an AIWS Roundtable.

The History of AI Initiative considers Trustworthy Economy a History of AI event also.