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Launching the book “Remaking the World – The Age of Global Enlightenment”

The United Nations Academic Impact and Boston Global Forum officially launched their “Remaking the world – The Age of Global Enlightenment” e-book on May 27th, 2021, with ideas, and solutions to reshape the world to become peaceful, prosperous, secure as we move towards an age of global enlightenment.

In opening remarks of the event, Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Chief of United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and co-Chair of the United Nations Centennial BGF and UNAI Initiative, reminds us to “never think of the destination of your journey, think about the travel” as we make our mark towards an age of Artificial Intelligence and technology. In this journey, the E-book is a significant step, paving the way for advancements in digital international governance.

Conversations among the contributors to the e-book highlighted key aspects of the initiative, from the need for an alliance of like-minded individuals, to stressing the importance of education in promoting AI in the next decades.

Alex Sandy Pentland went in detail on his contributions to the e-book as well as urged for a change in the SDG 2030 goals to move towards a more positive light. By improving the SDG 2030 goals, Pentland hopes the world would improve access to opportunity, which would then in turn help reach the UN Centennial’s goals.

Former Bosnia-Herzegovina Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija who expressed the need for global leaders in this enterprise towards a global enlightenment to support such initiatives like the e-book and the Social Contract for the AI Age. He also presents the idea of an International Artificial Intelligence Agency (IAIA) as a proper governance structure to enforce the initiatives and strengthen their impact in a world of social change.  The prime minister hopes that AI World Society will move from being an initiative to becoming a doctrine to solidify this undertaking in world society.

“Now I see that AIWS that include seven-layer models, Social Contract for the AI AgeFramework for Artificial Intelligence International Accord, concept of new economy and finance system, AIWS values and AIWS city, it can be concluded based on those things, that we did in such a short period, became a doctrine for something which can be called remaking the world in the age of global enlightenment”

“If we want to make a difference, if we want to make pressure on decision-makers, we have to connect as much as possible, something in which I call in a broad scale, an alliance with like-minded entities”

Distinguished leaders and thinkers that also have contribute contents for the book include: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, EU President Ursula von der Leyen, Speaker of Swedish Parliament Andreas Norlen, Secretay-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Father of the Internet Vint Cerf, Professor Judea Pearl, Professor Alex Sandy Pentland, Professor Joseph Nye, Professor Thomas Patterson, Professor Nazli Choucri, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan and many more. 

The book “Remaking the world – the Age of Global Enlightenment” will delivered to readers on June 21, 2021.


The Book "Remaking the World - Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment"
